Working with Queues in Ruby

Queues are an important data structure in computer science, allowing for the efficient manipulation and organization of data. In this guide, we’ll explore how to work with queues in Ruby, starting with the basics of implementing a queue from scratch and progressing to more advanced techniques like using the Concurrent Queue library and working with Sized Queues.

Table of Contents

Implementing a Queue from Scratch

Before diving into the various libraries and classes available for working with queues in Ruby, let’s first take a look at how to build a queue from scratch using basic Ruby data structures.

One way to implement a queue is to use an array as the underlying data structure, with the first element in the array representing the front of the queue and the last element representing the back. We can then define the following queue operations:

  • enqueue(element): Add an element to the back of the queue.
  • dequeue: Remove and return the element at the front of the queue.
  • front: Return the element at the front of the queue without removing it.
  • size: Return the number of elements in the queue.
  • empty?: Return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise.

Here’s an example of a simple queue implementation using an array:

class Queue
  def initialize
    @elements = []

  def enqueue(element)
    @elements << element

  def dequeue

  def front

  def size

  def empty?

With this implementation, we can create a new queue and add elements to it using the enqueue method, remove elements from the front of the queue using the dequeue method, and check the size and emptiness of the queue using the size and empty? methods, respectively.

Using the Concurrent Queue in Ruby

While the array-based queue implementation we just saw is sufficient for many purposes, it may not be suitable for use in multithreaded environments. In such cases, we can use the Concurrent::Queue class from the concurrent-ruby gem, which provides thread-safe queue operations.

To use the Concurrent::Queue class, we first need to install the concurrent-ruby gem and require it in our code:

gem install concurrent-ruby

require 'concurrent'

Then, we can create a new queue like this:

queue =

The Concurrent::Queue class provides the following methods for queue operations:

  • enq(element): Add an element to the back of the queue.
  • deq: Remove and return the element at the front of the queue. If the queue is empty, the calling thread will be blocked until an element becomes available.
  • deq_nowait: Remove and return the element at the front of the queue. If the queue is empty, return nil.
  • empty?: Return true if the queue is empty, false otherwise.
  • length: Return the number of elements in the queue.
  • num_waiting: Return the number of threads waiting on the queue.

Here’s an example of using the Concurrent::Queue class to enqueue and dequeue elements:

queue =

# Enqueue some elements

# Dequeue an element
element = queue.deq
puts element # Outputs 1

# Dequeue all remaining elements
until queue.empty?
  element = queue.deq
  puts element
# Outputs 2 and then 3

Working with Sized Queues

In some cases, we may want to limit the size of our queue to a certain number of elements. This can be useful, for example, to prevent the queue from consuming too much memory or to implement flow control in our application.

To work with sized queues in Ruby, we can use the Queue and SizedQueue classes from the thread standard library.

The Queue class provides a basic, thread-safe queue with a fixed size. The SizedQueue class is similar, but allows for the size of the queue to be changed dynamically.

Here’s an example of using the Queue class to create a fixed-size queue:

queue =

# Enqueue some elements

# Attempt to enqueue more elements than the queue can hold
queue.enq(3) # Blocks the calling thread until an element is dequeued

# Dequeue an element
element = queue.deq
puts element # Outputs 1

# Enqueue another element

And here’s an example of using the SizedQueue class to create a dynamically-sized queue:

queue =

# Enqueue some elements

# Change the size of the queue
queue.max = 3

# Enqueue more elements

# Dequeue an element
element = queue.deq
puts element # Outputs 1

# Enqueue another element

Using Arrays as Queues in Ruby

As mentioned earlier, arrays can be used as simple, unsynchronized queues in Ruby. However, the Array class provides several methods that can make working with arrays as queues more convenient.

Here are some examples of using arrays as queues in Ruby:

# Create a new queue
queue = []

# Enqueue some elements

# Dequeue an element
element = queue.shift
puts element # Outputs 1

# Dequeue all remaining elements
until queue.empty?
  element = queue.shift
  puts element
# Outputs 2 and then 3

The Ruby Queue Class

The Ruby Queue class is another thread-safe queue implementation that can be used in place of the Concurrent::Queue class. It provides similar methods for enqueuing and dequeuing elements, as well as for checking the size and emptiness of the queue.

Here’s an example of using the Queue class to enqueue and dequeue elements:

queue =

# Enqueue some elements

# Dequeue an element
element = queue.deq
puts element # Outputs 1

# Dequeue all remaining elements
until queue.empty?
  element = queue.deq
  puts element
# Outputs 2 and then 3

The Ruby SizedQueue Class

The SizedQueue class is similar to the Queue class, but it allows for the size of the queue to be limited to a certain number of elements. When the queue is full and a new element is enqueued, the calling thread will be blocked until an element is dequeued.

Here’s an example of using the SizedQueue class to create a fixed-size queue:

queue =

# Enqueue some elements

# Attempt to enqueue more elements than the queue can hold
queue.enq(3) # Blocks the calling thread until an element is dequeued

# Dequeue an element
element = queue.deq
puts element # Outputs 1

# Enqueue another element

Practical Examples and Best Practices

Now that we’ve covered the basics of working with queues in Ruby, let’s look at a few practical examples and best practices for using queues in real-world applications.

Example: Job Queue

One common use case for queues is as a job queue, where jobs are added to the queue and processed by worker threads or processes. Here’s an example of using the Queue class to implement a simple job queue in Ruby:

class JobQueue
  def initialize
    @queue =

  def enqueue(job)

  def dequeue

  def process
    # Dequeue and process jobs until the queue is empty
    until @queue.empty?
      job = dequeue
      # Process the job here...

To use this job queue, we can simply create a new JobQueue object and add jobs to it using the enqueue method. The process method can then be called to dequeue and process the jobs in the queue.

Example: Producer-Consumer Queue

Another common use case for queues is in producer-consumer systems, where producers add elements to the queue and consumers remove and process them. Here’s an example of using the Queue class to implement a simple producer-consumer queue in Ruby:

class ProducerConsumerQueue
  def initialize
    @queue =

  def enqueue(element)

  def dequeue

  def run
    producer_thread = do
      # Generate and enqueue elements
      5.times do |i|

    consumer_thread = do
      # Dequeue and process elements until the queue is empty
      until @queue.empty?
        element = dequeue
        # Process the element here...

    # Wait for the producer and consumer threads to finish

queue =

In this example, we create a producer thread that generates and enqueues elements, and a consumer thread that dequeues and processes them. The run method starts both threads and waits for them to finish.

Best Practices

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when working with queues in Ruby:

  • Use the appropriate queue implementation for your needs. If you need a thread-safe queue that can be used in a multithreaded environment, consider using the Concurrent::Queue, Queue, or SizedQueue classes. If you don’t need thread safety or are working in a single-threaded environment, an array-based queue implementation may be sufficient.
  • Be mindful of the size of your queue. If your queue has a fixed size, be sure to dequeue elements in a timely manner to prevent it from filling up and blocking the calling thread. If your queue has a dynamic size, be aware of the amount of memory it is consuming and consider implementing flow control to prevent it from growing too large.
  • Use queue timeouts judiciously. Some queue implementations, such as Concurrent::Queue, allow you to specify a timeout when dequeuing an element. Be sure to set the timeout to an appropriate value to avoid having the calling thread wait indefinitely.
  • Use queues as part of a larger design pattern. Queues are often used in conjunction with other design patterns, such as the producer-consumer pattern or the observer pattern. Be sure to consider the larger context in which your queue will be used and choose an appropriate design pattern for your application.


In this guide, we learned how to work with queues in Ruby, including how to implement a queue from scratch, how to use the Concurrent::Queue and Queue classes for thread-safe queues, and how to use the SizedQueue class for fixed-size queues. We also looked at practical examples and best practices for using queues in real-world applications.

With the knowledge and techniques covered in this guide, you should now be well-equipped to use queues effectively in your Ruby projects.

Working with Queues in Ruby
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